I forgot to mention that I have this in my emacs setup related to ox-latex
and minted:

           (setq org-latex-listings 'minted)

            (setq org-latex-packages-alist
                    ;; % 0 paragraph indent, adds vertical space between
                    (""          "parskip")
                    ;; Code blocks syntax highlighting
                    (""          "minted") ; Comment this if
                    ;; is set to dvipng. minted package can't be loaded
                    ;; when using dvipng to show latex previews
                    ;; (""          "minted" nil) ; Uncomment this if
                    ;;                            ; is set to dvipng
                    ;; Graphics package for more complicated figures
                    (""          "tikz")
                    ;; Prevent tables/figures from one section to float
into another section
                    ("section"   "placeins")
                    ;; It doesn't seem below packages are required
                    ;; ;; Packages suggested to be added for previewing
latex fragments
                    ;; ;;
                    ;; ("usenames"  "color") ; HAD TO COMMENT IT OUT
                    ("mathscr"   "eucal")
                    (""          "latexsym")
                    ;; Prevent an image from floating to a different
                    (""          "float")
                    (""          "caption")

            ;; "H" option is from the `float' package. That prevents the
images from floating around.
            ;; (setq org-latex-default-figure-position "htb") ; default -
figures are floating
            (setq org-latex-default-figure-position "H") ; figures are NOT

            ;; minted package options (applied to embedded source codes)
            ;; https://github.com/gpoore/minted
            (setq org-latex-minted-options
                    ("numbersep"   "5pt")
                    ("frame"       "none") ; box frame is created by the
mdframed package
                    ("framesep"    "2mm")
                    ;; ("fontfamily"  "zi4") ; required only when using
                                        ; instead of xelatex
                    ;; minted 2.0 specific features
                    ("breaklines") ; line wrapping within code blocks

Kaushal Modi
On Aug 4, 2015 11:30 PM, "Kaushal" <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using org-mode version 8.3 and the latest build of emacs from git
> master.
> I am trying to make mdframed+minted work with source code blocks having
> captions.
> Here is  a minimum working example:
> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kaushalmodi/a9d05fe94d5641d0084f/raw/0ff356e8cfafbec53d91fa3b73a59226e5cd9825/minted-multiple-pages.org
> The example is short; just the source code block is big so that it spans
> multiple pages.
> I am trying to get the code block parts on each page to be completely
> boxed (borders on all 4 sides).
> Currently only the code blocks in in-between pages gets borders only on
> the sides. The first part of code block on the first page gets borders on
> top and sides. And the last part of the code block on the last page gets
> borders on bottom and on sides.
> Here is the generated pdf:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10985/minted-multiple-pages.pdf (You
> can ignore the lines crossing the borders as I will work on fixing those
> once I gets the borders right).
> Please let me know if there is any other way to get the following using
> *minted*:
> - Split code blocks on each page be completely boxed.
> - The code block be captioned.
> - The code block be properly listed in List of Listings
> - Be able to customize the border lines, code background and line numbers.
> --
> Kaushal Modi

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