Hi there!

I'm working on an open-source web-based platform for interactive editable
documents that uses orgmode format, called Leisure.  I have minor mode that
connects it to Emacs orgmode buffers so that edits are mirrored between

I've been working on this for quite a while and I'm putting together an
announcement document but I still wouldn't call it robust or complete, yet.

My goal is to put together a video and make an announcement soon but I want
to make sure I have covered a "reasonable amount" of orgmode and also have
a "reasonable amount" of neato functionality, so I'm looking for brave
souls who:

- use orgmode regularly
- want an editable web representation that updates as they edit in Emacs
- won't mind some exciting adventures
- don't mind dirtying their hands with software that's still a bit buggy

Anyone think they might be interested in helping me test this thing and
giving me their impressions?

If you'd like to see what I have, so far, you can view the rough,
unpolished version of my Emacs-to-Leisure document (subject to drastic
change).  At this point, this link is in flux so your mileage may vary:


-- Bill Burdick

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