> Let's see... the org-contacts vs BBDB issue isn't a big deal, since
> Gnorb doesn't actually do all that much with contacts right now. I'd be
> happy to add tweaks to it to make it more org-contacts friendly.
> Email tracking is a bigger issue. Gnorb uses the Gnus registry to track
> correspondences between messages and headlines, and obviously none of
> that would work with mu4e.
> Earlier versions did tracking by storing message ids as a property on a
> headline. I suppose I could go back to doing that in a mu4e-specific
> library.

Message id tracking is likely the way to do it in mu4e. mu4e links seem
to store this for links.


> To me, the most useful thing about message tracking isn't the
> identification and hinting of incoming emails. The two most useful
> things (I think) are:
> 1. Taking a message and saying "this message should trigger a state
>    change on that Org heading there"
> 2. Seeing all messages associated with a heading in their own virtual
>    "mailbox"
> Number one shouldn't be too difficult to implement for mu4e, as it would
> mostly rely on Org's own mu4e support. Number two would be nearly
> impossible, or at least impractical given my lack of familiarity with
> mu4e.

I am still learning many things about emails. mu4e has pretty powerful
search capability via the underlying Xapian database.

> Another thing I find hugely useful is automatically transferring files
> attached to incoming messages to Org headings (via org-attach).
> Presumably mu4e has a way of getting at the attachments on a message, so
> in theory this wouldn't be that hard, either.

This sounds pretty interesting. I have never gotten that into
attachments, but this might change my mind. There are functions in mu4e
to view and save attachments, so this might not be hard.

I am pretty interested in pursuing this, but am pretty busy for a while
so progress on my end will be slow ;(
> Anyway, those are some thoughts on the issue. If you all had some
> particular feature where you'd like mu4e support, let me know and I can
> take a stab at it.
> Eric
>> On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Eric Abrahamsen
>> <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> wrote:
>>     John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:
>>     > unless those services have some kind of API, and you have the
>>     desire to
>>     > implement it in emacs, you might be out of luck.
>>     >
>>     > I am trying to figure out a way to do collaborative work via
>>     email,
>>     > where I am the project coordinator. The idea is to use my
>>     email.el code
>>     > to send headlines to people I need information or action from,
>>     and then
>>     > to have them reply to the email. Then, I would have some easy
>>     way to get
>>     > information out of the reply back to the heading (e.g. TODO
>>     state
>>     > change, info etc...). Probably I would embed some org-id link in
>>     the email,
>>     > and "train" the users not to delete it. This is only a
>>     half-baked idea
>>     > so far.
>>     >
>>     > It would integrate org-contacts, mu4e, and org-mode in my setup.
>>     Sounds exactly like Gnorb! Except org-contacts instead of BBDB,
>>     and mu4e
>>     instead of Gnus :(
>>     > depending in your role in the project, you might get something
>>     like that
>>     > to work too.
>>     >
>>     > Tory S. Anderson writes:
>>     >
>>     >> I've relied on Orgmode heavily for over half a decade, and I'm
>>     >> loathe to leave it. But what solutions have been found out
>>     there
>>     >> for using it collaboratively (where others are not using
>>     emacs),
>>     >> rather than just for personal task management (where it
>>     excels)?
>>     >> It has some integration with Trello, I know; some of my
>>     co-workers
>>     >> are advocating BaseCamp (...) and PivotalTracker.
>>     PivotalTracker
>>     >> looks pretty good, but I would rather find a way to leverage
>>     >> orgmode in a way that facilitates collaboration. What has
>>     worked
>>     >> for you?
>>     >
>>     > --
>>     > Professor John Kitchin
>>     > Doherty Hall A207F
>>     > Department of Chemical Engineering
>>     > Carnegie Mellon University
>>     > Pittsburgh, PA 15213
>>     > 412-268-7803
>>     > @johnkitchin
>>     > http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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