How about the following patch? The options -D and -Q are also not mentioned in
the manual but perhaps they dont need to be since they are for debugging


*** /home/nick/emacs/src/emacs.c.~1.364.~       2005-04-26 17:26:45.000000000 
--- /home/nick/emacs/src/emacs.c        2005-04-27 10:48:20.000000000 +1200
*** 264,270 ****
  --no-shared-memory, -nl     do not use shared memory\n\
  --no-site-file              do not load site-start.el\n\
  --no-splash                 do not display a splash screen on startup\n\
! --no-window-system, -nw     don't communicate with X, ignoring $DISPLAY\n\
  --script FILE               run FILE as an Emacs Lisp script\n\
  --terminal, -t DEVICE       use DEVICE for terminal I/O\n\
  --unibyte, --no-multibyte   run Emacs in unibyte mode\n\
--- 264,271 ----
  --no-shared-memory, -nl     do not use shared memory\n\
  --no-site-file              do not load site-start.el\n\
  --no-splash                 do not display a splash screen on startup\n\
! --no-window-system, -nw     do not communicate with X, ignoring $DISPLAY\n\
! --quick, -Q                 equivalent to -q --no-site-file\n\
  --script FILE               run FILE as an Emacs Lisp script\n\
  --terminal, -t DEVICE       use DEVICE for terminal I/O\n\
  --unibyte, --no-multibyte   run Emacs in unibyte mode\n\
*** 294,299 ****
--- 295,302 ----
  Display options:\n\
  --background-color, -bg COLOR   window background color\n\
+ --basic-display, -D             disable many display features;\n\
+                                   used for debugging Emacs\n\
  --border-color, -bd COLOR       main border color\n\
  --border-width, -bw WIDTH       width of main border\n\
  --color, --color=MODE           color mode for character terminals;\n\

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