On 9 Jun 2005, at 17:25, David Reitter wrote:

When I start an Emacs with -Q (the Carbon port, recent CVS compile), then do

(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook
    (lambda () (message (format "New mode: %s" major-mode))))

and then do M-x sh-mode, I would expect to see "New mode..." at least in the *Messages* buffer. I don't get that; the hook is not executed even though sh-mode loads up alright.

No further investigation needed, I found the problem which was indeed just fixed a while ago:

revision 1.152
date: 2005/05/11 22:57:24;  author: dann;  state: Exp;  lines: +4 -0
Use run-mode-hooks.

It was different for me on different machines because different builds picked up different states of the CVS.
I guess I'll do a make bootstrap now :-)

-- D

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