The manual says in (info "(elisp)Text Properties") that

    Each property has a name and a value. Both of these can be any
    Lisp object, but the name is normally a symbol.

However, `propertize' doesn't let you create a string with property
names that are not symbols:

(propertize "foo" 0 t)  => error: (wrong-type-argument symbolp 0)

The CHECK_SYMBOL test in Fpropertize should be removed.

This code in `describe-property-list' has to be changed as well to
deal with property names that are not symbols (note that the comment
is wrong, btw) or M-x describe-char will signal an error when trying
to describe such text:

    ;; Sort the properties by the size of their value.
    (dolist (elt (sort (let (ret)
                         (while properties
                           (push (list (pop properties) (pop properties)) ret))
                       (lambda (a b) (string< (nth 0 a) (nth 0 b)))))

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