Dan Nicolaescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Matthieu Moy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   > Dan Nicolaescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   > 
>   > > On rxvt S-F1 and F11 emit the same thing, Emacs prefers to use S-F1 so
>   > > it cannot deal with F11. I don't think there's anything to do about
>   > > this. (well you could change your local copy of rxvt.el...)
>   > 
>   > On Emacs21, C-h c f11 reports <f11> (but you're right, S-f1 does the
>   > same). Not so long ago, I had my binding of the f11 key working with
>   > CVS Emacs.
> Well, at least for rxvt, this is an rxvt limitation, it emits the
> same string for different keys. In emacs the choice was made to be
> a bit consistent and prefer the key bindings for {C-,S-,C-S-}f[12]
> instead of the f11 and f12 key combinations that emit the same string.
> (look in rxvt.el for the details)

I understood that, but on my CVS Emacs, f11 behaves like f1 itself,
not S-f1.

Ah, just now, I notice this: running in X11 mode, C-h c S-f1 says

<f1> <f1> (translated from <S-f1> <S-f1>) runs the command help-for-help

So I believe my problem comes from the "(translated from <S-f1> <S-f1>)",
which prevents Emacs from distinguishing f1 from S-f1.


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