I've seen those small triangles.  They are a pain in the neck to put
        the mouse on.  We certainly won't do that.

        FWIW, the triangle I'm talking about is part of the
        pull-down menu label. There is no need to put the mouse
        on the triangle itself - just as now, the mouse works
        anywhere on the label ("State") or the triangle - that is,
        anywhere on the "button".

    I would not mind adding a V to the text in that button.

That's all I meant (V or triangle or some other indication). Another
(alternative) thing that would help recognition would be to change the label
to specifically say that it is a menu - for example, "State Menu" or "Choose
Action" (or choose whatever), instead of just "State".

The State button is not really a pulldown list, so the drawback I mentioned
doesn't really apply to it. The problem with real pulldown lists is that the
current choice appears as the current label of the list. Instead of seeing a
label that indicates that there is a menu there, you see only the name of
the current choice (or state), plus, perhaps, a triangle - without the
triangle, the menu just looks like a field name (label).

In our case, State looks like a button, so it won't be mistaken for simple
text. But it can be mistaken for an action button, as opposed to a menu.
Calling it "State Menu" or "Choose Action" would mitigate that problem, as
would adding an arrow (V).

    However, that
    is not what I have seen in browsers.  I just looked at one free browser.
    It has a big leftward arrow, with a triangle next to it.  Those are
    two different mouse-selection areas with different meanings.

That is not what I meant, in any case - I'm not familiar with that. I too
hate tiny mouseable areas.

BTW, I don't see a good solution for this, but I notice a similar problem
(tiny mouse area) when I try to enlarge a frame downward by dragging with
the mouse. There are so many mouse-sensitive areas in the mode-line now that
I often end up hitting one, instead of dragging the frame border. You can't
have everything, I guess.

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