>     > The names of the Options menu items do not use parallel
    >     > construction. Some are noun phrases, others are verb phrases.
    >     > Verb phrases are generally clearer.
    >     But some of the menu items, such as Syntax Highlighting, follow
    >     widespread conventions that users expect.  So I don't
    >     think we should change those.
    > Oh really? What widespread conventions are those? Be specific, please.

    I don't understand what you want me to say more than I already did.

All that you did was to argue by appealing to authority: some unnamed,
undescribed "widespread conventions that users expect." That's an empty
argument/explanation without saying what that authority is: what conventions
are you referring to? What user-expecting convention does "Syntax
Highlighting" follow?

And why wouldn't those conventions apply also to the menu items that are
verb phrases? What criteria are used to decide which form to use?

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