> Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:35:36 +0800
> From: "Zhang Wei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: 
> Bootstrap Emacs with MinGW under WindowsXP failed due to compiling
> lisp/usr/vc-dav.el requires file DOC must be present under directory etc/

Are you using MSYS?

> And I find this problem has been reported before, and a patch has been
> proposed:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-pretest-bug/2005-05/msg00388.html
> It seems nobody care about that.

Would you please stop offending the few volunteers who maintain the
Windows port?  Even if you believe the problem is still unsolved,
that's not a reason good enough to say that ``nobody cares'' about it.

The facts are utterly different from your assertion: out of the 3
problems reported in that message, 2 are already resolved (albeit in a
way that is different from what was suggested there).  As for the 3rd,
the one with the absent DOC file, I asked at some point to provide
details about it, but got no responses.  If you can afford investing
some effort in working with us on this problem, I'm sure we will
resolve it in no time.

So please consider providing a complete transcript of the bootstrap
process in your environment, up to and including the portion where it
fails due to the missing DOC file.  I don't have MSYS installed, and
in my environment the bootstrap succeeds every time.  So I need to see
the details of your build to understand what goes wrong and why.

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