From: Andreas Roehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:06:26 +0200

   Correct my answer in this point. Here a hopefully better one:

   What was sent indeed was a `beginning-of-defun' in his
   true understanding (as I conceive that) - nothing more.

   After that we could have a function dealing with a
   group of function-forms in Emacs Lisp while extending
   the reg-rexp appropriate, i.e. a `beginning-of-function'.

in vietnamese, there is one word for both "blue" and "green",
and one needs to specialize w/ other words when talking about
the color of the sea or the color of the tree leaves.  changing
the discourse requires introducing specific terms, convincing
people that their usage of the old terms is out of date, and
providing a way for people to slowly change their speech.

here it is a similar situation: other people's concept of the
term "defun" is much larger than your concept of "true defun".
you have introduced specific terms and have made arguments that
may or may not convince people (that is up to people to decide
for themselves), but you have not yet provided a way for people
to slowly change their usage.

to get people to change you have to throw your idea ahead,
and walk WITH them towards it, even if that is more work.

in the context of these emacs lisp functions, this means that
your proposal is unevaluatable (or at best, only partially
evaluatable, with inconclusive results) until all the "After
that..." stuff (i.e., code) is included.


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