> The above already looks wrong: i->left covers 145078 chars, 
> so i->position should be at least 145078 + 1 (aka BEG).  The 
> difference, 88, is presumably the length of the line you 
> copied&pasted, so i's position hasn't been updated as it 
> should have (the `position' field of interval nodes is 
> updated lazily, so it's sometimes normal for it to be 
> out-of-date, but not in this case).

Good spot.  I had rapidly done C-k C-k C-y C-y to copy a line.  I can't
remember exactly which line I was copying, but one of the few candidate
lines does happen to be 44 chars long.  I did C-y C-y, which means I did
paste 88 chars (after deleting 44 chars).  Of course, the paste was via two
inserts, albeit with a very small time interval between them.  Maybe I
circumvented the lazy update somehow?

> > What should I look for re the buffer text properties?  The buffer is 
> > full of them - it's visiting a C++ file.
> Without a reliable way to reproduce the problem, it's going 
> to be difficult to fix it, because the problem is most likely 
> introduced sometime *before* we crash.

I appreciate that.  If someone would like to reproduce my environment, my
setup includes:

 '(imenu-auto-rescan t)
 '(imenu-auto-rescan-maxout 1048576)
 '(imenu-max-items 30)
 '(imenu-scanning-message nil)
 '(imenu-sort-function (quote imenu--sort-by-name))

(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'imenu-add-menubar-index)

I get the error within a day of editing C++ buffers.  However, I'll continue
to run under a debugger, and hopefully will be able to provide some useful


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