Am 23.09.2006 um 01:25 schrieb Miles Bader:

UCS codepoints are good because they allow _all_ emacs characters to
be entered in a consistent way.  Having C-q use the buffer's file
encoding on the other hand seems quite annoying, because it requires
users to use different numbers depending on what the file they're
editing was saved in (and I suspect a large portion of the time, users
don't even _know_ what encoding their file uses).

This is a good enough method for me! (And others probably too.) The problem I wanted to point out is that not the file's contents but its presentation forms are now found. This needs to be documented, and it needs to be emphasised that C-s C-q uses a Unicode search and does not take into account the file's proper encoding. Could be there are just a few that care about these encoding details.

This is like pressing u on the keyboard and an x appears on screen ...



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