`.newsrc.eld' can't save chinese group name in proper coding. When gnus
is restarted, all of the articles in groups with chinese name are marked
unread. But enter that group, you will find all of the articles are old
articles (marked by an `O'). The file in the attachment is the wrong
formatted `.newsrc.eld', hope that will be helpful.

Same problem with Emacs22 and emacs-unicode-2.

;; -*- mode:emacs-lisp; coding: utf-8-emacs-dos; -*-
;; Gnus startup file.
;; Never delete this file -- if you want to force Gnus to read the
;; .newsrc file (if you have one), touch .newsrc instead.
(setq gnus-newsrc-file-version "Gnus v5.11")
(setq gnus-newsrc-last-checked-date '"Sun, 20 Aug 2006 14:34:25 +0800")
(setq gnus-newsrc-alist 
'(("\301\367\320\30799.\261\276\265\330\262\342\312\324" 3 ((1 . 8)) ((seen (1 
. 8)))) (#("nnml:2006-10.list.emacs-devel" 5 29 (auto-composed nil)) 3 ((1 . 
176)) ((seen (1 . 176))) "nnml:") (#("nnml:2006-09.list.emacs-devel" 5 29 
(auto-composed nil)) 3 ((1 . 1428)) ((seen (534 . 852) (855 . 1428))) "nnml:") 
(#("nnml:sent.news" 5 14 (auto-composed nil)) 3 ((1 . 14)) ((seen (1 . 14))) 
"nnml:") (#("nnml:list.xemacs" 5 16 (auto-composed nil)) 3 ((1 . 56)) ((seen (1 
. 56))) "nnml:") (#("nnml:list.debian" 5 16 (auto-composed nil)) 3 ((1 . 164)) 
((seen (1 . 164))) "nnml:") (#("nnml:sent.mail" 5 14 (auto-composed nil)) 3 ((1 
. 19)) ((seen (1 . 19))) "nnml:") (#("nnml:mail.gmail" 5 15 (auto-composed 
nil)) 3 ((1 . 71)) ((seen (1 . 71)) (reply 10 13 (15 . 16) 22 25 38 49 52)) 
"nnml:") (#("nnml:mail.tsinghua" 5 18 (auto-composed nil)) 3 ((1 . 927)) 
((reply 896) (seen (881 . 927))) "nnml:") (#("nnml:2006-08.list.emacs-devel" 5 
29 (auto-composed nil)) 3 ((1 . 854)) ((seen (1 . 600) (602 . 854))) "nnml:") 
(#("nnml:mail.misc" 5 14 (auto-composed nil)) 3 ((1 . 245)) ((seen (61 . 245))) 
"nnml:") ("cn.comp.os.linux" 3 ((1 . 1129)) ((seen (119 . 1129)) (reply 789 791 
795 797 851 854 867 880 894 975 990 1007 1014 1105 1107 1110 1127))) 
("nndoc+gnus-help:gnus-help" 3 ((1 . 9)) ((seen (1 . 9))) (nndoc "gnus-help" 
(nndoc-address "c:/Emacs/etc/gnus-tut.txt") (nndoc-article-type mbox))) 
("nndraft:queue" 1 nil nil (nndraft "") ((gnus-dummy (gnus-draft-mode)))) 
("nndraft:drafts" 1 nil nil (nndraft "") ((gnus-dummy (gnus-draft-mode))))))
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