On 12/10/06, Francis Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I execute all the following commands from a cmd command prompt (outside of

emacsclient -n -a runemacs "TO DO.txt"

works correctly if Emacs IS already running, but if it is not already
running then Emacs does not see the filename correctly; the quotes do
not appear to be passed on to runemacs.

Yeah. With an instrumented emacsclient:

 C:\emacs> emacsclient -a c:\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe "TO DO.txt"
 2: [c:\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe]
 3: [TO DO.txt]

So it would be necessary to re-quote args containing whitespaces
before calling execvp().

Question is: is that the right behavior in non-Windows environments?
(Quoting filenames with embedded spaces, I mean).


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