Chris Moore wrote:
Personally I always found that all the spaces in directory names on a
Windows box breaks shell-mode completion anyway.

It's been a while since I used Windows, but doesn't it act something
like this:

  cd /Docum<TAB>
  cd /Documents and Settings/chr<TAB>
  no such file or directory: /Settings/

Actually it works with cmd/cmdproxy shell (with that little change we are discussing, but it is broken with both MSYS and Cygwin as inferior shells. With Cygwin I get the behaviour above.

With MSYS I get some very strange problems:

   MSYS /c > dir Pr<*>
   MSYS /c > dir Pr]

If I try to enter * (see above) I get a ]. Quite strange. It only happens inside Emacs.

  MSYS /c > dir Pr<TAB>
  In minibuffer: Partially completed

   MSYS /c > dir
(the listing does not contain Program Files, but it should as far as I can see)

   MSYS /c > pwd

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