> From: Zhang Wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 15:17:43 +0800
> D:\download\emacs-gbk\nt>make bootstrap
> mkdir "oo-spd"
> mkdir "oo-spd/i386"
> echo oo-spd/i386 > stamp_BLD
> ', needed by `addsection'.  Stop.`oo-spd/i386/addsection.exe
> D:\download\emacs-gbk\nt>

Thanks for reporting.

I cannot reproduce this on my machine.  Is this the CVS code (and if
so, when did you checkout), or the 22.0.92 pretest?

Also, what versions of Make and shell (if any) did you use in this

Finally, please try the command "make -d bootstrap 2>&1 | tee build.log"
and post here the full contents of the file build.log.

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