>>>>> "Per" == Per Starbäck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Per> In GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu) of 2007-02-08
    Per>  configured using `configure
    Per>  '--prefix=/home/per/emacs/pretest''

If you still have the "config.log" file, take a look and see if it

        #define HAVE_X_WINDOWS 1

If not, then your system lacks the necessary headers and libraries to
build X support into Emacs, which would explain what you're seeing.
98% of ... computers is just hacking your way through the jungle
with a blunt machete.  Lisp ... can save you 90% of the
remaining 2%, but alas, that's only 1.8% of the total.
        -- Tim Bradshaw

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