Lennart Borgman (gmail) wrote:
Lennart Borgman (gmail) wrote:
I just saw a very strange undo problem. I have no simple way to reproduce it, but I can frame it a bit. Lock at the backtrace below:

 Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument
         number-or-marker-p  nil)
  rng-error-modified(#<overlay in no buffer> t 777 777 85)
  primitive-undo(2 (nil (777 . 862) (t 17963 . 2531)))

Doesn't it look strange that rng-error-modified (from the nxml-mode package) is the first thing on the backtrace, before primitive-undo?

I think I am beginning to understand. I found these lines in the nxml-mode files:

  (put 'rng-error 'modification-hooks '(rng-error-modified))

  (defun rng-error-modified (overlay after-p beg end
     &optional pre-change-len)

And in elisp Info:

     If a character has the property `modification-hooks', then its
     value should be a list of functions; modifying that character
     calls all of those functions.  Each function receives two
     arguments: the beginning and end of the part of the buffer being
     modified.  Note that if a particular modification hook function

It seems like rng-error-modified does not have the correct format for the new Emacs 22. Is there anyone who knows if this was a change in Emacs 22?

Eh, but wait a minute ... - The traceback indicates that the elisp Info is wrong here, or? Actually the parameter spec to rng-error-modified seems ok, but it gets an #<overlay in no buffer> that it does not check.

So there are two bugs here, one in nxml-mode and one in the elisp Info manual.

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