Here's a variant:

   (defun regexp-not-in (words endchars &optional prefix)
     "Return a regexp that matches anything other than words in WORDS.
   ENDCHARS is a list containing the chars that can appear after a word."
     ;; `prefix' is only used internally.
     (if prefix (setq words (all-completions prefix words)) (setq prefix ""))
     (let* ((pos (length prefix))
            (empty (when (member prefix words)
                     (setq words (remove prefix words)) t))
            (chars (delete-dups (mapcar (lambda (word) (aref word pos)) words)))
            (chars-re (regexp-opt-charset (if empty (nconc chars endchars) 
            (nonchars-re (concat "[^" (substring chars-re 1 -1) "]")))
        ((and empty (null endchars))
         ;; If there are no termination chars, then we have to simply disallow
         ;; this match altogether.
        ((null chars) nonchars-re)
         (concat "\\(?:" nonchars-re
                 (mapconcat (lambda (char)
                              (setq char (string char))
                              (concat char
                                      (regexp-not-in words endchars
                                                     (concat prefix char))))

-- Stefan

PS: It's not case-insensitive like your code, so I wrote another function to
make a regexp case-insensitive:

(defun regexp-fold-case (regexp)
  "Return a case-insensitive version of REGEXP."
  ;; The basic idea is simple, but there are many nasty cases inside
  ;; char-ranges.  If we're inside a char-range and we bump into an
  ;; interval, we have to expand it.
  (let ((escape nil)                   ;Non-nil if right after an escaping \
        (range nil)                    ;- `in' if inside a char-range
                                       ;- The interval's start char if at the
                                       ;  intervals' end.
                                       ;- The charclass name prefix we've seen
                                       ;- `start' if at the start of a range
                                       ;- `bracket' if after an internal
                                       ;  open-bracket (maybe a char-class).
        (prev nil)                     ;Previous char.
        up down prefix)
     (lambda (char)
       (setq prefix
             (if (and (eq range 'bracket) (not (eq char ?:)))
                 ;; That wasn't a char-class.
                 (progn (setq range 'in) "[")
            ;; End of a char-range interval:  Expand it.
            ;; Note that the initial char was already outputted.
            ((char-valid-p range)
             ;; So as to avoid bumping into yet more corner cases
             ;; (if the interval includes special chars like -
             ;; and ]), we just reuse the original interval and
             ;; just add more elements to the char range.
             (let ((strings (list (string ?- char))))
               (while (< range char)
                 (if (eq (setq up (upcase char))
                         (setq down (downcase char)))
                     ;; Covered by the original interval.
                   (push (if (eq up char) (string down) (string up))
                 (decf char))
               (setq range 'in)
               (apply 'concat (nreverse strings))))
            ;; Inside char-class.
            ((stringp range)
             ;; FIXME: If `prev' is not ?: then this really wasn't
             ;; a char class.
             (if (not (eq char ?\]))
                 (progn (setq range (concat range (string char))) nil)
               (prog1 (if (let ((completion-ignore-case t))
                            (test-completion range '("upper:" "lower:")))
                          "[:alpha:]" (concat "[:" range "]"))
                 (setq range 'in))))
            ;; An interval.
            ((and (eq range 'in) (eq char ?-))
             (setq range prev) nil)
            ;; End of interval.
            ((and (eq range 'in) (eq char ?\]))
             (setq range nil escape nil) (concat prefix "]"))
            ;; Shift from boundary to `in' since we're done checking `in'
            ;; for cases where `boundary' needs to be handled differently.
            ((progn (if (eq range 'boundary) (setq range 'in)) nil))
            ;; A char-class maybe?
            ((and (eq range 'in) (eq char ?\[))
             (setq range 'bracket)
            ;; Yes, a char-class.
            ((and (eq range 'bracket) (eq char ?:))
             (setq range ""))
            ;; Beginning of a char range.
            ((and (not range) (not escape) (eq char ?\[))
             (setq range 'boundary)
            ;; Some other char in a range or in text.
            ((or (eq (setq up (upcase char))
                     (setq down (downcase char)))
             (if range
                 (concat prefix (string char))
               (setq escape (and (eq char ?\\) (not escape)))
               (string char)))
             ;; This may be the beginning of an interval: make
             ;; sure that `char' is placed last, so that we can
             ;; just tuck on "-<foo>" and get back our
             ;; interval unchanged.
             (if (eq char up) (string down char) (string up char)))
            (t (string ?\[ up down ?\])))
         ;; Remember this char for next time.
         (setq prev char)))

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