It seems that there are at least two versions of uuencode and uudecode
floating around, which have incompatible invocation syntax.

Encoding on Linux:      uuencode foo < FILE
Decoding on Linux:      uudecode -o - < FILE

Encoding on FreeBSD:    uuencode < FILE
Decoding on FreeBSD:    uudecode -p < FILE

Are there more versions than these?  What do you need for uuencode and

Since it appears to be impossible to find a version which works for
all systems, what do you suggest to do about it?  On the local side
(where Emacs is running), one can use uudecode.el which comes with
Gnus.  But on the remote side?

In the worst case, we would need four different methods: Linux style
on both local and remote, BSD style on both, and two methods for Linux
style on one side and BSD style on the other.  Whee...  Sounds really

Any ideas?

Life is hard and then you die.

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