DI Maximilian Renkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> mxrenkin@kastanie:~ > # Initializing remote shell
> $ exec /bin/sh
> # Waiting 30s for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...
> exec /bin/sh^M
> mxrenkin@kastanie:~ > # Setting up remote shell environment
> exec /bin/sh^M
> mxrenkin@kastanie:~ > stty -echo^M
> # Frobbing coding system

Here, it says that it is frobbing the coding system.  Could you go to
the *rcp/foo* buffer and say M-x describe-coding-system RET RET.  Note
in particular the `subprocess I/O' section.

Apparently, your remote shell sends ^M characters, so after frobbing
the coding system, the coding system for decoding subprocess output
should be *-dos.

Beware of flying birch trees.

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