On 06 Dec 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> [?7h]0; fs:/data/home/stark[stark@fs stark]$ $ PS1='
> /////
> '; PS2=''; PS3=''
> # Waiting for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...
> # Waiting for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...done
> # Finding command to check if file exists
> $ ls -d /
> echo tramp_exit_status $?
> /
> [?7h]0; fs:/data/home/stark
> /////
> tramp_exit_status 0

The first shell command which sets $PS1, $PS2 and $PS3 tries to make
sure that after every command the shell prints exactly the same

But your shell seems to pring something strange in addition to this.
`ESC [ ? 7 h ESC ] 0; SPC fs:/data/home/stark C-g'.  What's that?
And, more important, where does it come from?

Maybe Tramp needs to send the `unset prompt_command' to the remote
end?  Is this something common that Tramp should take care of?

Another approach would be to require the user to provide a sane shell
environment when $TERM is "dumb".  (Or whatever the value of
tramp-terminal-type is.)


Maybe the Tramp manual should need to point out more clearly that
Tramp needs cooperation from the shell setup to work right.


PS: I'm very sorry, Greg, for taking SO long to get back to you.  I
    was kinda swamped and was trying to catch up with all them
    reports.  But the wait was worth it -- when I looked at your
    report previously, I completely missed that extra line that's
    still in the shell output.
Be indiscrete.  Do it continuously.

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