Bill Pringlemeir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 28 Feb 2001 13:43:25
>> However, you can use the "-pw secret" option to allow plink to
>> connect. This worked on my NTEmacs 20.7.3. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed, 28 Feb 2001 16:30:10 -0500
> And for me on GNU Emacs 20.7.1 (i386-*-nt5.0.2195). 

I.e. in GNU Emacs 20.7.1 on win2k with (I believe) cmdproxy, I can do
M-x shell and enter

> plink -ssh -v -pw password [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and connect, and interact. However, with tramp-1.449 and

> (setq tramp-methods
>   (append
>     (list
>       '("t"   
> ;         (tramp-connection-function  tramp-open-connection-rsh)
>         (tramp-connection-function  HACKED-tramp-open-connection-rsh)
>         (tramp-rsh-program          "plink")
>         (tramp-rcp-program          "pscp")
>         (tramp-remote-sh            "/bin/sh")
>         (tramp-rsh-args
>           ("-v" 
>            "-pw password"
>            "-ssh"))
>         (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg    "-p")
>         (tramp-su-program           nil)
>         (tramp-su-args              nil)
>         (tramp-encoding-command     nil)
>         (tramp-decoding-command     nil)
>         (tramp-encoding-function    nil)
>         (tramp-decoding-function    nil)
>         (tramp-telnet-program       nil))
>     )
>     tramp-methods)
> ) ; end (setq tramp-methods

in my _emacs, when I do

M-x find-file /r@t:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:.emacs

it still fails to connect, with the same *tramp* and *Backtrace*
buffer contents. Any suggestions on how to fix this? 

One thing I'm wondering: since the error is 

> Signaling: (error "Couldn't find remote shell or passwd prompt")

is there a problem with my shell-prompt-pattern? It's currently set to

> (setq shell-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$>] *")

The servers to which I'm trying to connect default to tcsh, and return
stuff like (copied from *shell*, broken for mail at '..')

> +------------------------------ .. ---------------------------------+
> | By accessing this machine, it .. med that you have read and agree |
> | with the dialup usage policy  ..                                  | 
> | .. .html  [Last Updated 11/10/00]   |
> | If you have not read the abov .. se do so immediately.            |
> |  HAVE BEEN MADE.              ..                                --|
> +------------------------------ .. ---------------------------------+
> | For the latest Eos/Unity news .. on reporting system problems and |
> | getting help with the system, .. s'.   For  the  Eos/Unity  usage |
> | policy, type 'policy'.        ..                                  |
> +------------------------------ .. ---------------------------------+
> | Be sure to change your passwo .. ce a semester. Choose a password |
> | with a mix of upper and lower .. s,  numbers,  or  other  special |
> | characters.  Password changes ..   effect  for up to  30  minutes |
> | after requesting the change.  ..                                  |
> +------------------------------ .. ---------------------------------+
> You have 109 messages (590062 bytes) on
> Volume Name                   Quota      Used %Used   Partition
> users.t.tlroche               50000     33939   68%         58%  
> 7resize: Time out occurred

Note that this times out after about 10 seconds.

> Running user customized standard startup activities ...
> End of login--close console.
> /ncsu/tlroche> 

Also: could someone tell me where/with what variable the shell program
is set? I don't see anything in apropos. I'm assuming mine is
cmdproxy, because when I do M-x shell, I see

> Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
> (C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.

> h:\>


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