Jean Louis <> writes:

>> Gosh, Jean, of course nobody would literally write (*) but (apply #'*
>> ...), and you'll find occurrences in emacs:
> That has been said that is not necessarily problem or reason. 

I don't understand that sentence.

> Did you see reference to PicoLisp?

Yes, and I think it's seriously wrong with

  : (+)
  -> NIL

where its docs say

  Returns the sum of all num arguments. When one of the arguments
  evaluates to NIL, it is returned immediately.

Well, in (+) there exists no argument evaluating to NIL and
mathematically, the sum of zero numbers is 0
(  Same for the empty product
(*) which should be 1 ( but also
gives NIL in picolisp.

So why does it return NIL?  And why do you apparently consider that
useful?  And can something be useful even though it is incorrect?


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