2023-01-30 Emacs news

  - Upcoming events:
    - Emacs.si (in person): Emacs.si meetup 2023 #1 
<https://dogodki.kompot.si/events/d8cc520f-e3ba-4408-8852-556e5270bc43> Mon Jan 
30 1900 CET
    - EmacsATX: Emacs Social 
<https://www.meetup.com/emacsatx/events/290740845/> Wed Feb 1 1630 
America/Vancouver - 1830 America/Chicago - 1930 America/Toronto -- Thu Feb 2 
0030 Etc/GMT - 0130 Europe/Berlin - 0600 Asia/Kolkata - 0830 Asia/Singapore
    - Mastering Emacs book club <https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/> 
Fri Feb 3 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto 
- 2000 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Feb 4 0130 Asia/Kolkata - 0400 
    - Mastering Emacs book club <https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/> 
Sat Feb 4 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto 
- 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
    - Mastering Emacs book club <https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/> 
Sun Feb 5 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto 
- 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
    - M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA 
<https://m-x-research.github.io/> Tue Feb 7 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 
America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 
2130 Asia/Kolkata -- Wed Feb 8 0000 Asia/Singapore
    - Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) 
<https://lebib.org/date/atelier-emacs> Fri Feb 10 1800 Europe/Paris
    - Mastering Emacs book club <https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/> 
Fri Feb 10 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto 
- 2000 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Feb 11 0130 Asia/Kolkata - 0400 
    - Mastering Emacs book club <https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/> 
Sat Feb 11 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto 
- 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
    - Mastering Emacs book club <https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/> 
Sun Feb 12 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto 
- 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
  - Beginner:
    - [Asking for help in Emacs] 
([Irreal] (<https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11112>))
    - ["Copy/paste? Or Is Emacs Just Yanking Your Chain?"] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNzxYfz9M6w>) (11:53)
  - Emacs configuration:
    - [Tim Heaney: Context menus in Emacs 28!] 
    - [FrostyX/current-window-only: Open things only in the current window. No 
other windows, no splits.] (<https://github.com/FrostyX/current-window-only>) 
    - [Don't fear the Emacs] 
(<https://github.com/alexpdp7/alexpdp7/tree/master/emacs>) ([Reddit] 
    - [faijdherbe's Emacs Config] (<https://www.faijdherbe.net/>)
    - [My org-babel based emacs configuration] 
(<https://qua.name/mrb/an-org-babel-based-emacs-configuration>) ([Reddit] 
  - Emacs Lisp:
    - [The Craft of Emacs: A cross-stitch themed guide to Emacs Lisp, written 
in Racket.] (<https://craft-of-emacs.kebab-ca.se/>) ([Reddit] 
    - [persistent-soft: Persistent storage for Emacs] 
    - [Structural Editing, a Guide for the Perplexed - Paulus Esterhazy] 
  - Appearance:
    - [Adjust Emacs text size based on resolution and physical size of monitor] 
    - [Sacha Chua: Making highlight-sexp follow modus-themes-toggle] 
    - [Emacs Colors - Jessica's Corner of Cyberspace] 
  - Navigation:
    - [expreg.el --- Simple expand region] 
    - [James Dyer: Using ripgrep within Projects] 
    - [Emacs - 19 - To Projectile or not? project.el is the one for me.] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GT02-9WTBU>) (03:44)
  - Dired:
    - [Delete files with emacs dired] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2x43E-MVS4>) (01:15)
    - [Get file size in Emacs Dired] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCAFbo_f7TQ>) (00:37)
  - Org Mode:
    - [Daryl Manning | Emacs GTD flow evolved] 
    - [Marcin Borkowski: TODO stats table with parameters] 
    - [My study and note taking setup with Org Roam, Org Roam UI and Zotero] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR5PlXvoXi0>) (19:16)
    - Import, export, and integration:
      - [nfdn: Beautifying Org Plot with YASnippet and Context Menus] 
 [YouTube] (<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrQmiSToo7o>) 04:36)
      - [Personal wiki in org] 
      - [ob-csharp: Org-babel plugin that utilises dotnet-script to execute c# 
block] (<https://github.com/samwdp/ob-csharp>)
      - [create-ob-npx: Builder macro for org babel packages that delegate to 
npx] (<https://github.com/togakangaroo/create-ob-npx>)
      - [org-preview: Asynchronous, super fast LaTeX previews for Org mode.] 
      - [Org mode clocking in the macOS menu bar] 
      - [Ryan Rix: Moved my Org Site Engine-to-Fediverse cross-posting from 
feed2toot to Feediverse] 
      - [Sacha Chua: Adding a custom header argument to Org Mode source blocks 
and using that argument during export] 
    - Org development:
      - [ob-python: Remove python-mode.el support] 
      - [org-clock-x11idle-program-name: Prefer "xprintidle", when available] 
  - Denote:
    - [My reading workflow (you guys might find some bits from it useful)] 
(<https://bitspook.in/blog/reading-and-not-forgetting/>) ([Reddit] 
 [Irreal] (<https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11102>))
  - Coding:
    - [Tory Anderson: Emacs Personal Development Environment: accessing my 
    - [Emacs as a .NET development environment] 
(<https://grtcdr.tn/posts/2023-01-24.html>) ([Reddit] 
    - [verilog-ext/vhdl-ext: SystemVerilog/VHDL extensions for Emacs] 
    - [No need to use Postman ! Emacs does it Better] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK8yDsLHSDE>) (06:53)
    - [Magit on Spacemacs: How I Became The Only One At Work That Loves 
Rebasing - Diode Zone] 
(<https://diode.zone/videos/watch/c9b83c28-a0de-40c4-94b4-7ed8885c8623>) (2017)
    - [Install Emacs (enable tree-sitter) with tree-sitter-grammar* by Guix] 
  - Math:
    - [Nicolas Martyanoff: Using units in Emacs Calc] 
(<https://www.n16f.net/blog/using-units-in-emacs-calc/>) ([Irreal] 
    - [[mp4] Calc Preview] 
  - Shells:
    - [andyjda/sticky-shell: Minor mode to keep track of previous prompt in 
your shell] (<https://github.com/andyjda/sticky-shell>) ([Reddit] 
  - Mail, news, and chat:
    - [Setting up and using RMAIL within Emacs] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HStDvx-czo>) (10:05)
  - Multimedia:
    - [Sacha Chua: Checking image sizes and aspect ratios in Emacs Lisp so that 
I can automatically smartcrop them] 
  - Fun:
    - [Elite for Emacs] 
(<https://www.salkosuo.net/2015/10/22/elite-for-emacs.html>) ([Reddit] 
(<https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10myr9h/elite_for_emacs/>), [HN] 
(<https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34550574>)) - a game
  - AI:
    - [Live-editing a react app with plain English] 
  - Community:
    - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] 
    - [How I Use My Linux Computer - DT LIVE!] 
(<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JKzC63JAn4>) (01:40:39)
    - [Jeremy Friesen: Emacs Windows Configuration Desired State] 
    - [[Appendix] All Else is Not Enough] 
(<https://project-mage.org/all-else-is-not-enough>) ([Reddit] 
  - Other:
    - [Irreal: Warning: You're About To Discard Undo Information] 
    - [count-fold-lines: Emacs hack to fold duplicate lines and count them.] 
(<https://rants.org/2023/01/count-fold-lines/>) ([Reddit] 
    - [jdburgosr/softresize] (<https://github.com/jdburgosr/softresize>) 
    - [ecron.el: A cron emulator for Emacs] 
(<https://github.com/haji-ali/elcron>) ([Reddit] 
    - [count-fold-lines: Emacs hack to fold duplicate lines and count them. – 
rants.org] (<https://rants.org/2023/01/count-fold-lines/>)
    - [Lightning Talk: Giraffe, Visualizng Data With Emacs and ClojureScript] 
(<https://diode.zone/videos/watch/1d43e382-6692-45cd-81ad-30f0e6507142>) (2017)
    - [From Scratch to Melpa in 14 years and 12 hours] 
(<https://diode.zone/videos/watch/c0d47cfd-fb80-4a3e-86eb-f13bafa0c9be>) (2017)
  - Emacs development:
    - emacs-devel:
      - [Finalizing 'inhibit-automatic-native-compilation'] 
      - [Just a comment about tree-sitter] 
(<https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-01/msg00514.html>) - 
tree-sitter version issues
      - [Re: svg library ideas - nanosvg might be useful for the Android port] 
    - [Add support for negative indices and index ranges in Eshell] 
  - New packages:
    - empv <https://melpa.org/#/empv>: An interface for MPV (MELPA)
    - file-info <https://melpa.org/#/file-info>: Show pretty information about 
current file (MELPA)
    - flymake-cspell <https://melpa.org/#/flymake-cspell>: A Flymake backend 
for CSpell (MELPA)
    - flymake-ruff <https://melpa.org/#/flymake-ruff>: A flymake plugin for 
python files using ruff (MELPA)
    - gpr-mode <https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/gpr-mode.html>: Major mode for 
editing GNAT project files (GNU ELPA)
    - ibrowse <https://melpa.org/#/ibrowse>: Interact with your browser (MELPA)
    - mic <https://melpa.org/#/mic>: Minimal and combinable configuration 
manager (MELPA)
    - poke <https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/poke.html>: Emacs meets GNU poke! 
    - smilefjes <https://melpa.org/#/smilefjes>: View Norwegian Food Safety 
Authority restaurant ratings (MELPA)
    - treesit-auto <https://melpa.org/#/treesit-auto>: Automatically use 
tree-sitter enhacned modes, if available (MELPA)

  Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (<https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs>), 
[r/orgmode] (<https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode>), [r/spacemacs] 
(<https://www.reddit.com/r/spacemacs>), [r/planetemacs] 
(<https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs>), [Hacker News] 
 [lobste.rs] (<https://lobste.rs/search?q=emacs&what=stories&order=newest>), 
[planet.emacslife.com] (<https://planet.emacslife.com>), [YouTube] 
[the Emacs NEWS file] 
(<http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/log/etc/NEWS>), [Emacs Calendar] 
(<https://emacslife.com/calendar/>), [emacs-devel] 
(<http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-01>), and [lemmy/c/emacs] 
(<https://lemmy.ml/c/emacs>). Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. 
Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at 
[sa...@sachachua.com] (<mailto:sa...@sachachua.com>). Thank you!

    You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list.
    View list info/unsubscribe: 
    * 2023-01-30 Emacs news
- Upcoming events:
  - Emacs.si (in person): Emacs.si meetup 2023 #1 https://dogodki.kompot.si/events/d8cc520f-e3ba-4408-8852-556e5270bc43 Mon Jan 30 1900 CET
  - EmacsATX: Emacs Social https://www.meetup.com/emacsatx/events/290740845/ Wed Feb 1 1630 America/Vancouver - 1830 America/Chicago - 1930 America/Toronto -- Thu Feb 2 0030 Etc/GMT - 0130 Europe/Berlin - 0600 Asia/Kolkata - 0830 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Fri Feb 3 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 2000 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Feb 4 0130 Asia/Kolkata - 0400 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Sat Feb 4 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Sun Feb 5 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
  - M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Tue Feb 7 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata -- Wed Feb 8 0000 Asia/Singapore
  - Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) https://lebib.org/date/atelier-emacs Fri Feb 10 1800 Europe/Paris
  - Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Fri Feb 10 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 2000 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Feb 11 0130 Asia/Kolkata - 0400 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Sat Feb 11 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
  - Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Sun Feb 12 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 1000 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1530 Asia/Kolkata - 1800 Asia/Singapore
- Beginner:
  - [[https://emacsworld.com/help/2023/01/22/asking-for-help-in-emacs.html][Asking for help in Emacs]] ([[https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11112][Irreal]])
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNzxYfz9M6w]["Copy/paste? Or Is Emacs Just Yanking Your Chain?"]] (11:53)
- Emacs configuration:
  - [[https://oylenshpeegul.gitlab.io/blog/posts/20230129/][Tim Heaney: Context menus in Emacs 28!]]
  - [[https://github.com/FrostyX/current-window-only][FrostyX/current-window-only: Open things only in the current window. No other windows, no splits.]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10morcp/i_created_a_package_that_forces_emacs_to_open/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://github.com/alexpdp7/alexpdp7/tree/master/emacs][Don't fear the Emacs]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10nmcus/dont_fear_the_emacs/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://www.faijdherbe.net/][faijdherbe's Emacs Config]]
  - [[https://qua.name/mrb/an-org-babel-based-emacs-configuration][My org-babel based emacs configuration]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs/comments/10lcmwc/my_orgbabel_based_emacs_configuration/][Reddit]])
- Emacs Lisp:
  - [[https://craft-of-emacs.kebab-ca.se/][The Craft of Emacs: A cross-stitch themed guide to Emacs Lisp, written in Racket.]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10mpynq/the_craft_of_emacs_a_crossstitch_themed_guide_to/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://github.com/rolandwalker/persistent-soft][persistent-soft: Persistent storage for Emacs]]
  - [[https://diode.zone/videos/watch/4f2037b5-d734-4b95-ab45-eb546a6ff85c][Structural Editing, a Guide for the Perplexed - Paulus Esterhazy]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs/comments/10malqu/structural_editing_a_guide_for_the_perplexed/][Reddit]], 2017)
- Appearance:
  - [[https://gist.github.com/cpbotha/e1663767f8497104a2b6f5723af73503][Adjust Emacs text size based on resolution and physical size of monitor]]
  - [[https://sachachua.com/blog/2023/01/making-highlight-sexp-follow-modus-themes-toggle/][Sacha Chua: Making highlight-sexp follow modus-themes-toggle]]
  - [[https://www.raebear.net/computers/emacs-colors/][Emacs Colors - Jessica's Corner of Cyberspace]]
- Navigation:
  - [[https://github.com/casouri/lunarymacs/blob/master/site-lisp/expreg.el][expreg.el --- Simple expand region]]
  - [[https://emacs.dyerdwelling.family/emacs/20230124195440-emacs--my-tentative-steps-to-working-with-projects/][James Dyer: Using ripgrep within Projects]]
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GT02-9WTBU][Emacs - 19 - To Projectile or not? project.el is the one for me.]] (03:44)
- Dired:
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2x43E-MVS4][Delete files with emacs dired]] (01:15)
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCAFbo_f7TQ][Get file size in Emacs Dired]] (00:37)
- Org Mode:
  - [[https://daryl.wakatara.com/emacs-gtd-flow-evolved][Daryl Manning | Emacs GTD flow evolved]]
  - [[https://mbork.pl/2023-01-23_TODO_stats_table_with_parameters][Marcin Borkowski: TODO stats table with parameters]]
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR5PlXvoXi0][My study and note taking setup with Org Roam, Org Roam UI and Zotero]] (19:16)
  - Import, export, and integration:  
    - [[http://yummymelon.com/devnull/beautifying-org-plot-with-yasnippet-and-context-menus.html][nfdn: Beautifying Org Plot with YASnippet and Context Menus]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10nr7vu/beautifying_org_plot_with_yasnippet_and_context/][Reddit]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrQmiSToo7o][YouTube]] 04:36)
    - [[https://thibaultmarin.github.io/blog/posts/2017-08-15-Personal_wiki_in_org.html][Personal wiki in org]]
    - [[https://github.com/samwdp/ob-csharp][ob-csharp: Org-babel plugin that utilises dotnet-script to execute c# block]]
    - [[https://github.com/togakangaroo/create-ob-npx][create-ob-npx: Builder macro for org babel packages that delegate to npx]]
    - [[https://github.com/karthink/org-preview][org-preview: Asynchronous, super fast LaTeX previews for Org mode.]]
    - [[https://mken.weblog.lol/2023/01/org-mode-clocking-in-the-macos-menu-bar][Org mode clocking in the macOS menu bar]]
    - [[https://cce.whatthefuck.computer/updates#20230125T171405.734181][Ryan Rix: Moved my Org Site Engine-to-Fediverse cross-posting from feed2toot to Feediverse]]
    - [[https://sachachua.com/blog/2023/01/adding-a-custom-header-argument-to-org-mode-source-blocks-and-using-that-argument-during-export/][Sacha Chua: Adding a custom header argument to Org Mode source blocks and using that argument during export]]
  - Org development:
    - [[https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs/org-mode.git/commit/etc/ORG-NEWS?id=aa48c80fe17eaaaf83c11c9ac2f2fd864f2f3ad9][ob-python: Remove python-mode.el support]]
    - [[https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs/org-mode.git/commit/etc/ORG-NEWS?id=1810c625df8c7fa7cc4aaa7ab9bdc0ff842d30ff][org-clock-x11idle-program-name: Prefer "xprintidle", when available]]
- Denote:
  - [[https://bitspook.in/blog/reading-and-not-forgetting/][My reading workflow (you guys might find some bits from it useful)]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10jl8hm/my_reading_workflow_you_guys_might_find_some_bits/][Reddit]], [[https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11102][Irreal]])
- Coding:
  - [[https://tech.toryanderson.com/2023/01/26/emacs-personal-development-environment-accessing-my-notes/][Tory Anderson: Emacs Personal Development Environment: accessing my notes]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs/comments/10lh33c/tory_anderson_emacs_personal_development/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://grtcdr.tn/posts/2023-01-24.html][Emacs as a .NET development environment]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10k0y54/emacs_as_a_net_development_environment/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10oig9m/verilogextvhdlext_systemverilogvhdl_extensions/][verilog-ext/vhdl-ext: SystemVerilog/VHDL extensions for Emacs]]
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK8yDsLHSDE][No need to use Postman ! Emacs does it Better]] (06:53)
  - [[https://diode.zone/videos/watch/c9b83c28-a0de-40c4-94b4-7ed8885c8623][Magit on Spacemacs: How I Became The Only One At Work That Loves Rebasing - Diode Zone]] (2017)
  - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10n8twr/install_emacs_enable_treesitter_with/][Install Emacs (enable tree-sitter) with tree-sitter-grammar* by Guix]]
- Math:
  - [[https://www.n16f.net/blog/using-units-in-emacs-calc/][Nicolas Martyanoff: Using units in Emacs Calc]] ([[https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11114][Irreal]])
  - [[https://abode.karthinks.com/share/calc-preview.mp4][[mp4] Calc Preview]]
- Shells:
  - [[https://github.com/andyjda/sticky-shell][andyjda/sticky-shell: Minor mode to keep track of previous prompt in your shell]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10kktsb/new_package_stickyshell_to_help_you_keep_track_of/][Reddit]])
- Mail, news, and chat:
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HStDvx-czo][Setting up and using RMAIL within Emacs]] (10:05)
- Multimedia:
  - [[https://sachachua.com/blog/2023/01/checking-image-sizes-and-aspect-ratios-in-emacs-lisp-so-that-i-can-automatically-smartcrop-them/][Sacha Chua: Checking image sizes and aspect ratios in Emacs Lisp so that I can automatically smartcrop them]]
- Fun:
  - [[https://www.salkosuo.net/2015/10/22/elite-for-emacs.html][Elite for Emacs]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10myr9h/elite_for_emacs/][Reddit]], [[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34550574][HN]]) - a game
- AI:
  - [[https://twitter.com/beguene/status/1615733823278284801][Live-editing a react app with plain English]]
- Community:
  - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10ktqj0/weekly_tips_tricks_c_thread/][Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread]]
  - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JKzC63JAn4][How I Use My Linux Computer - DT LIVE!]] (01:40:39)
  - [[https://takeonrules.com/2023/01/29/emacs-windows-configuration-desired-state/][Jeremy Friesen: Emacs Windows Configuration Desired State]]
  - [[https://project-mage.org/all-else-is-not-enough][[Appendix] All Else is Not Enough]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs/comments/10o1fdn/appendix_all_else_is_not_enough/][Reddit]])
- Other:
  - [[https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11104][Irreal: Warning: You're About To Discard Undo Information]]
  - [[https://rants.org/2023/01/count-fold-lines/][count-fold-lines: Emacs hack to fold duplicate lines and count them.]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10l5jrt/countfoldlines_emacs_hack_to_fold_duplicate_lines/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://github.com/jdburgosr/softresize][jdburgosr/softresize]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/10m0pg7/resizing_emacs_windows/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://github.com/haji-ali/elcron][ecron.el: A cron emulator for Emacs]] ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs/comments/10jklyx/ecronel_a_cron_emulator_for_emacs/][Reddit]])
  - [[https://rants.org/2023/01/count-fold-lines/][count-fold-lines: Emacs hack to fold duplicate lines and count them. – rants.org]]
  - [[https://diode.zone/videos/watch/1d43e382-6692-45cd-81ad-30f0e6507142][Lightning Talk: Giraffe, Visualizng Data With Emacs and ClojureScript]] (2017)
  - [[https://diode.zone/videos/watch/c0d47cfd-fb80-4a3e-86eb-f13bafa0c9be][From Scratch to Melpa in 14 years and 12 hours]] (2017)
- Emacs development:
  - emacs-devel:
    - [[https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-01/msg00509.html][Finalizing 'inhibit-automatic-native-compilation']]
    - [[https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-01/msg00514.html][Just a comment about tree-sitter]] - tree-sitter version issues
    - [[https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-01/msg00513.html][Re: svg library ideas - nanosvg might be useful for the Android port]]
  - [[https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/commit/etc/NEWS?id=dabe0b7d40778496ecb308f54999248ea286d89b][Add support for negative indices and index ranges in Eshell]]
- New packages:
  - https://melpa.org/#/empv: An interface for MPV (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/file-info: Show pretty information about current file (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/flymake-cspell: A Flymake backend for CSpell (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/flymake-ruff: A flymake plugin for python files using ruff (MELPA)
  - https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/gpr-mode.html: Major mode for editing GNAT project files (GNU ELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/ibrowse: Interact with your browser (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/mic: Minimal and combinable configuration manager (MELPA)
  - https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/poke.html: Emacs meets GNU poke! (GNU ELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/smilefjes: View Norwegian Food Safety Authority restaurant ratings (MELPA)
  - https://melpa.org/#/treesit-auto: Automatically use tree-sitter enhacned modes, if available (MELPA)

Links from [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs][reddit.com/r/emacs]], [[https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode][r/orgmode]], [[https://www.reddit.com/r/spacemacs][r/spacemacs]], [[https://www.reddit.com/r/planetemacs][r/planetemacs]], [[https://hn.algolia.com/?query=emacs&sort=byDate&prefix&page=0&dateRange=all&type=story][Hacker News]], [[https://lobste.rs/search?q=emacs&what=stories&order=newest][lobste.rs]], [[https://planet.emacslife.com][planet.emacslife.com]], [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4th0AZixyREOtvxDpdxC9oMuX7Ar7Sdt][YouTube]], [[http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/log/etc/NEWS][the Emacs NEWS file]], [[https://emacslife.com/calendar/][Emacs Calendar]], [[http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-01][emacs-devel]], and [[https://lemmy.ml/c/emacs][lemmy/c/emacs]]. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [[mailto:sa...@sachachua.com][sa...@sachachua.com]]. Thank you!

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