On Tue, 28 Feb 2023 at 18:51, Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:

> But... it is source, one can put anything inside like
> (shell-command "sudo rm -rf /")
> Those "CVE" bugs are exaggerated.
> Like this one:
> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2022-48338
> "malicious Ruby source files may cause commands to be executed"
> But hey, any malicious source file may cause commands to be
> executed.

It is a question of expectations.

If you execute a malicious source file as a script, sure, you expect
it to be executed and you are ready for any damage it causes. There is
no vulnerability except in your own head.

If you open a malicious source file in an editor, you don’t expect it
to execute any code written within, surely not before you press the
Run key. If opening a file for editing trashes your home directory,
it’s a bug and a vulnerability. If opening a file for editing causes
personal information to be sent outside, it’s a bug and a

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