>>>>> "Mark" == Mark A Hershberger <m...@everybody.org> writes:

    Mark> Second, the URL you should be using is
    Mark> <http://laymusic.org/wordpress/xmlrpc.php>.  I hope to add RSD support
    Mark> for weblogger.el soon.  If weblogger.el already had RSD support, you
    Mark> probably would be connected at this point.
    >> That should be in the documentation.  I did sort of know it, but not
    >> actively.

    Mark> Would you mind writing something up that I could use in the
    Mark> documentation?

;; To set up your profile:
;;    M-x weblogger-setup-weblog RET

;; You will be prompted for some information.  The URL should be the
;; one that uses the API you're using, not the one you would use for
;; typing an entry.  For instance, in wordpress, use
;; <blog-url>/xmlrpc.php.

It's not very good, but it would have saved *me* some time.

I notice the documentation continues:

;; You can save this setup
;; using M-x customize-save-customized. *** FIXME: Make sure this works!

It doesn't seem to be necessary; after a successful
weblogger-setup-weblog, I have a line:

 '(weblogger-config-alist (quote (("sp" ("user" . "admin")
 . "http://serpentpublications.org/wordpress/xmlrpc.php";) ("weblog"
 . "1"))))))

in my .emacs file.

    >> OK, I'm still getting 400 errors from emacs 22, and from emacs 23 with
    >> the blog I used before, but from emacs 23 with a different and less
    >> fiddled-with wordpress installation, I have actually given it the blog
    >> url and username and password, and had an apparently successful setup.

    >> When I put anything (in this case "site test") in the
    >> "Keywords" line, it says:

    Mark> Er… yeah.  That's a bug.  Could you report it on Savannah
    Mark> http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=emacsweblogs


    Mark> ?

    Mark> To answer your other questions, could you send me the values of the
    Mark> following variables:

    Mark>     weblogger-capabilities

weblogger-capabilities is a variable defined in `weblogger.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Known capabilities of the remote host

(("blogger.newPost" . t)
 ("blogger.getPost" . t)
 ("blogger.editPost" . t)
 ("blogger.getRecentPosts" . t)
 ("blogger.getUsersBlogs" . t)
 ("blogger.getUserInfo" . t)
 ("blogger.deletePost" . t)
 ("blogger.getTemplate" . t)
 ("blogger.setTemplate" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.getPost" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.newPost" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.editPost" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.newMediaObject" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.getRecentPosts" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.getCategories" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.deletePost" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.getTemplate" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.setTemplate" . t)
 ("metaWeblog.getUsersBlogs" . t)
 ("mt.getCategoryList" . t)
 ("mt.getRecentPostTitles" . t)
 ("mt.setPostCategories" . t)
 ("mt.getPostCategories" . t)
 ("mt.getTrackbackPings" . t)
 ("mt.supportedMethods" . t)
 ("mt.publishPost" . t)
 ("mt.supportedTextFilters" . t))

    Mark>     weblogger-api-new-entry

weblogger-api-new-entry is a variable defined in `weblogger.el'.
Its value is 

    Mark>     weblogger-api-send-edits

weblogger-api-send-edits is a variable defined in `weblogger.el'.
Its value is 

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org)
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org

All the horrors of the reign of terror were based only on solicitude
for public tranquillity.

Leo Tolstoy, _War and Peace_

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