Ted Smith <ted...@gmail.com> writes:

> It seems to me that it would be a lot better to have the configuration
> support groups of blogs natively, instead of having a hack going through
> each blog and posting to it. This way, you could have more than one
> "logical" blog hosted on more than one blogging server each.

Agreed.  The functionality that is there is still buggy since it doesn't
track server-side information.  It just barely works.

> in emacs 23 (emacs-snapshot in Ubuntu karmic), but when I removed
> the /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/easypg directory as per the debian bug
> report[1], encrypting it to my key failed (for some reason).

Interesting.  I may have run into the easypa bug in the past as well (I
don't recall) but I don't have any trouble encrypting files.  FWIW, I
use Gnome's seahorse-agent in Ubuntu to do passphrase caching.



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