It seems that it was not a bug, only myself being dumb.

I was loading weblogger.el with (require 'weblogger), when I needed to use
(load-file "weblogger.el"). When I did this the bug was solved.

I have no idea why this kind of thing happens, though. I guess I need to
learn Emacs Lisp better. :)

2012/11/14 Yuri Albuquerque <>

> I only have given a small look into the code. I didn't have much time
> yesterday, so I emailed for everybody to know before anything.
> I think today I'll have some time. I'll try to track down the bug. If I
> find it, I'll send you a patch.
> My blog is
> Em 13/11/2012 20:34, "Mark A. Hershberger" <> escreveu:
> On Tue 13 Nov 2012 05:23:40 PM EST, Yuri Albuquerque wrote:
>> > I'm not sure if that's a bug on weblogger or in xml-rpc, but everytime
>> > I try to post on my blog, the date of the post becomes "Dec 31 1999"
>> > for some mysterious reason. That's really, REALLY annoying, and I
>> > don't seem to be able to find the origin of the bug.
>> What have you tried so far to track down the origin of the bug?  What
>> is the URL for your weblog?
>> --
>> Any time you have "one overriding idea", and push your idea as a
>>     superior ideology, you're going to be wrong. ... The fact is,
>>     reality is complicated -- Linus Torvalds <>

Yuri Albuquerque
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