Teaching the Crowds

   Then Jesus left that place. He went into the area of Judea
   and across the Jordan River. Again, many people came to him.
   And Jesus taught the people like he always did.

                           -- Mark 10:1 (ERV)

Two characteristics marked Jesus' ministry at this stage of his life.
First, he was very popular and crowds accompanied him everywhere he
went. Second, he taught them God's will. Jesus' goal in attracting
people was not to gain an earthly following, but to teach and to train
a group of people who would change the world. He saw teaching as his
task -- not his only task, but his primary task.

Father God, I thank you for those who have so wonderfully taught me. I
realize, dear Father, that these people gave me one of the most
wonderful gifts anyone could give. May I never forget their sacrifices.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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