A History of Annuities

        Annuities as a source of retirement income are nothing new. In
fact, the history of annuities stretches back for centuries, all the way
to Roman times. This article traces the evolution of annuities
throughout time, providing a historic perspective.

We Are But Mortal

        Discovering you have a critical or life threatening illness can
be devastating. However, with some positive thinking, coupled with the
right foresight, you can ease both the financial and emotional

AIG Life Insurance

        AIG, or the American International Group, Inc. is a world leader
in financial services providing, including life insurance. AIG is--or
was up until very recently at the time of this writing--the leading
international insurance organization, having operations in over 130
nations and jurisdictions. AIG companies provide commercial,
institutional, and individual financial services through the most
extensive worldwide property-casualty and life insurance networks of any
insurance company, although they are being closely competed with by
MetLife. What's more, AIG companies are leading providers of financial
services and asset management across the globe. AIG has its common stock
listed on the New York, Ireland and Tokyo stock exchanges.


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