Get Romance Back in Your Marriage

        Romance is important for your marriage. Lack of romance can
drive you nuts. There are people who might take exception to this and
say that romance isn't the important if you really love each other.
Romance is more than just affection and intercourse, and when there is
no romance, so did the touching, kissing, hugging and other forms of

Tips For Marriage - Five Subtle, "I Love You's"

        If you want to keep your marriage exciting and fun then don't
wait another minute, take these acts of love tips and put them to work.
These ideas are so much fun, easy and doable you'll be wondering why you
haven't done them all along. I love you are three words that mean
nothing if you don't have the actions along with it to show the person
you mean what you say.

Save a Marriage - Actions Speak Louder

        Gentle words and gentle actions are never wrong. Make up your
mind to speak gently and graciously to your spouse. This could very well
be the one thing that saves your marriage.


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