Heavenly or Human?

    Jesus answered, "I will ask you a question. You answer my
    question. Then I will tell you whose authority I use to do
    these things. Tell me: When John baptized people, did that
    come from God or was it only from other people? Answer me!"

                            -- Mark 11:29-30 (ERV)

  Jesus didn't try to defend his authority. It would be amply
  demonstrated. In fact, he had already demonstrated it throughout his
  ministry by casting out demons, healing diseases, and speaking with the
  power and wisdom of God himself. If his opponents refused to believe,
  there was nothing he could do or say to change that ... except maybe
  die and be raised again. But, he still didn't back down at their petty
  little displays of their token authority. Rather than argue with them
  about authority, he challenged them back with a question that would
  stump them. His question demonstrated what they refused to believe.
  Jesus knew authority. Jesus spoke with authority. Jesus was authority,
  so he them to answer him. They couldn't. They were left with only the
  bitterest of plans ... they must kill him! Even then, as we know today,
  they didn't have the authority or power to pull off their mission!
  Praise God; Jesus is the one authority over us all!

  Father, I cannot tell you how comforting it is to know that the one to
  whom you have given authority over my life is also the one who died to
  save it. Thank you for grace. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for
  placing all authority in him. In Jesus' name, and to his glory as Lord,
  I offer this prayer. Amen.

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