Reality of Software Piracy

        Joe is average computer user. He uses software on his computer
for regular things like writing resume for job search, editing photos
from vacation trip, making personal website, playing games, backing up
important files on CD etc. While surfing the Internet hi finds out about
new photo editing software which can do better [...]

Life Insurance - All You Need to Know

        A life insurance contract is entered into between the policy
owner and the insurer. The insurer agrees to pay a sum of money upon the
death the insured or other event, such as terminal illness or critical
illness. The policy owner on his/her part agrees to pay a premium which
is a stipulated amount at [...]

Managing Your Self Employment Money

        Managing your money when you work for someone else is easy. Your
employer will take care of making sure that all of the proper taxes and
deductions are taken out of your pay check. When you own your own
business or are self employed, however, managing your money becomes
quite tricky. Thankfully you don't have [...] ]

Benefits of Video Conferencing and Technology Videos

        Video conferencing is a technology that helps many a
Multinational Company to thrive in spite of operating from different
functional bases at different poles of the world. For these companies,
the technology of video conferencing ensures better reach across the
globe and benefits from multi-point client interactions. Add to it the
advent of Internet. In [...]

How to Protect Your Pets From Fleas

        The versatile and tiny flea tortures the animals it bites. It
also carries disease and tapeworm. To get rid of fleas, authorities
agree that an all-out blitz is most effective- you must treat the
animal, the house, and the yard. Though fleas are species-specific
(there are cat fleas and dog fleas), any flea can find [...]

Mini Laptop Speakers and Other Netbook Accessories

        Netbooks have three main selling points - small, light and
cheap. Mini laptop speakers and other netbook accessories like USB
optical disc drives, USB keyboards and laptop cases add to the overall
product. Here's a guide of products to make your netbook even better.
Keyboards and Mouses With mini laptops, the space for the interface is
very [...]

What is VoIP PBX?

        These days, most people are familiar with VoIP even if they
don't recognize the word. Voice over Internet Protocol is something that
many of us use from time to time or even on a daily basis. Services like
Skype are a good example of a VoIP system. Just What is a PBX? PBX
refers to Private Branch [...]

Online Storage Versus Online Backup

        There are many options to store and backup your essential data
and files online but there is a significant difference between an online
backup service and an online storage service. It is important to realize
the differences between an online storage service and an online backup
service since the features differ significantly. Online storage
solutions are [...]

Personalized Bank Checks

        If you want to find a unique way to express yourself, consider
personal checks. At first thought, these bland instruments used for
withdrawals and deposits might seem the unlikeliest of places to show
your true colors. But checks have come along way since their inception,
and have become a colorful showcase of every design you [...]

Reviving a Lost Friendship

        A friendship can be lost because of many reasons. Some lost
friendships are not always worth reviving and, it will depend on the
clear circumstances as to what led to the breakup. The following are
some of the common reasons for lost friendships. First, you might find
yourself contrasting with your friend in everything. This [...]


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