On 18/03/10 09:11, michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:
> Hi
> I'm using EMBOSS 6.1.0 on a fairly small Linux VM which has about 3Gb of RAM.
> I find it strange that extractseq reports a memory problem:
> -bash-3.00# /usr/local/EMBOSS-6.1.0/bin/extractseq  -sequence chr1.fasta 
> -outseq chr1_.1.fasta -regions '34415690-34415711'
> Extract regions from a sequence
> Uncaught exception:  Allocation failed, insufficient memory available, raised 
> at ajstr.c:2406
> Whereas if I write a Bioperl script using SeqIO and the trunk() function, it 
> works perfectly.
> I'd have thought EMBOSS would be more streamlined and memory efficient than 
> Bioperl?

It appears to be in the buffering of input to detect the format.

While we try to improve the performance, you can simply specify the format:

-sformat fasta

to turn off the file input buffering.

Reading an unknown format requires a lot of input to be buffered, in
case a GCG ".." checksum line appears.

Hope that helps


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