Hi Peter,

Many thanks for your reply. I have ClustalW v2 installed (v2.0.12 - the latest release). The binary is named clustalw2. However, as I understand it, when running the Jemboss installation script, you are asked to provide the root directory that contains the clustalw binary rather than the name of the actual binary i.e /path/to/clustal/root/ rather than /path/to/clustal/root/clustalw2 or have I got that wrong?

The same issue applies to my installation of Primer3 ( latest release - 3-2.2.2-beta). The binary name is primer3_core. I get this error when I try to run eprimer3.

Error   application terminated

Died: eprimer3 uses external program 'primer3_core' which is not in the PATH or defined as EMBOSS_PRIMER3_CORE
         Part of the 'primer3' package, version 3.0, available from the
         Whitehead Institute. See: http://primer3.sourceforge.net/

Please can you tell me what file I should set the EMBOSS_CLUSTALW and EMBOSS_PRIMER3_CORE variables in.

Many thanks for your help.


On 11/08/2010 16:02, Peter wrote:
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Nigel Binns<n.bi...@ed.ac.uk>  wrote:
  Hi All,

Please can anyone tell me why my installation of Jemboss (EMBOSS v6.3.1
patch v1-4) can't find the external clustal binary and how to correct this.
When I run a multiple sequence alignment using emma, I get the following

Died: emma uses external program 'clustalw' which is not in the PATH or

I can confirm that my jemboss.properties file
($EMBOSS_ROOT/share/EMBOSS/jemboss/resource/jemboss.properties) correctly
points to the root directories of the clustalw and primer3 binaries e.g.:

Have you got clustalw 1.x or 2.x installed? The binary names differ,
clustalw.exe versus clustalw2.exe (no extension on Unix/Linux), and
perhaps EMBOSS only expects the former?

Have you tried setting the EMBOSS_CLUSTALW variable?


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