Your point about "not directly" inspired me to generate an alias in a .src 
file.  If one keeps a list of favorite restriction enzymes in a file called 
lmbenz.dat (containing one restriction enzyme name per line) in a directory 
like ~/sequences, then the command:
re t.gbk 300 500
Will generate restrict output only showing enzymes that do not cut within the 
region 300 to 500 in the sequence named as the first parameter, t.gbk in this 

alias re 'restrict -auto \!:1 re.tmp -e...@~bcitron/sequences/lmbenz.dat -sb 
\!:2 -sen \!:3 -rformat2 simple; grep name re.tmp| sed s/"Enzyme_name: "//g > 
rel.tmp; grep -v -f rel.tmp ~bcitron/sequences/lmbenz.dat > rene.dat; restrict 
-auto \!:1 stdout -e...@rene.dat'

There are probably better ways to accomplish this, and with intermediate files, 
one should be able to show the excluded enzymes and other enzyme sets.  And 
there may be output options for restrict that don't require quite the grep and 
sed cleanup.  Also, it should certainly be possible to adjust this for multiple 
exclusion ranges, etc.

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