Hi everyone,

I'm trying to figure out whether this issue I'm dealing with is a bug in 
Jemboss or a bug in my understanding :-) .

I have EMBOSS 6.4.0 with Jemboss 1.5 installed in client-server mode. The 
server is a Linux box, and Jemboss is started via Java Web Start on a Windows 
box. Then I follow this sequence of steps:

1. Run "makeprotseq" interactively in Jemboss to generate a few random 
sequences. This works fine. When the "Saved Results" window opens, I use "File 
--> Save to Local File" to save the result as "C:\TEMP\sequences.fasta"

2. Open "seqret" in Jemboss, and use the "Browse files" option to select 
"C:\TEMP\sequences.fasta" as input.

3. Run seqret interactively. The Saved Results window that opens contains the 
following error messages:
Error: Failed to open filename 'C'
Error: Unable to read sequence 'C:\TEMP\sequences.fasta'
Died: seqret terminated: Bad value for '-sequence' with -auto defined
Looking in the subdirectory created for this job on the server side, it does 
contain a file "C__TEMP__sequences.fasta" with the correct contents. But the 
".desc" file in that directory reads the following:
EMBOSS run details

Application: seqret
 -nofeature -sequence C:\TEMP\sequences.fasta -nofirstonly -auto 
Started at Thu Sep 20 11_15_22 EDT 2012

Input files:
It appears therefore that the command line, instead of using the path to the 
server-side copy of the input file, still uses the path to the file on the 

Does this make sense? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

With best regards,

Daniel Rozenbaum
Biocceleration, Inc.
OCIO/ Office of Application Engineering & Development/ Patent System Division
600 Dulany St.
Alexandria, VA 22314

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