Is this expected? It has me baffled.
Initially this was noticed when trying to configure the bldc component
with a pseudo-absolute encoder, but I see the same thing with my
jogwheel encoder.

set the jogwheel rawcounts to 300
halmeter shows hm2_5i23.0.encoder.02.rawcounts as 300
halcmd net enc hm2_5i23.0.encoder.02.rawcounts conv_s32_float.0
halmeter shows hm2_5i23.0.encoder.02.rawcounts = 0 ???!
move jogweel, halmeter shows 40
delsig enc -> halmeter goes back to 300.

The actual thing I am trying to fathom is that when I load my test hal
file, the encoder rawcounts shows as 11000, but if I delsig and re-net
to bldc it shows 0.
The example above was to check whether it was a bldc bug, and conv_s32
was something I knew would have the right pin type.

This is with 2.5.0_pre

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