On 11/27/2011 4:24 PM, Francis TISSERANT wrote:
> yes it works well. mbaillif thank you for your work.
> Please let me express my opinion
> advantages of svg:
> 1 )Inkscape is a native of the Ubuntu pakage.
> 2) the svg format is a vectorial format that zooming maintaining the
> qualities of the image.
> 3) the .svg enables each translator to easily edit images to suit
> their own language.
> 4) files .svg are small.
> 5) the quality is excellent in html and also in the pdf
> It seems to be the ideal format for our EMC2 documentation cohabiting
> with the png screenshots.
> what is your opinion on the Marc-André patch, which applies to a
> library system? Can be applied by updating EMC2? should be expected to
> update the library?
> tissf
> 2011/11/27 Baillifard marc-Andre<mbail...@baillifard.com>:
>> Hello
>> for experiments and info
>> for figure svg files in pdf works best to print and display unfortunately
>> If a file you place a asciidoc svg image with a link
>> for example  ::images/HomeAxisTravel.svg[]
>> the conversion does not go well in asciidoc v.02.12 ubuntu 10.04
>> A bug in the library dblatex is the cause
>> to correct this bug
>> sudo gedit /usr/share/dblatex/lib/dbtexmf/core/imagedata.py
>> in the class SvgConverter the command parameters are inverted input, output
>> class SvgConverter(ImageConverter):
>> #  replace this
>> #       cmd = "inkscape -z -D \"--export-%s=%s\" %s" % (format, input,
>> output)
>> #  by this
>>          cmd = "inkscape -z -D \"--export-%s=%s\" %s" % (format, output,
>> input)
>> save your changes and re make your project
>> make clean
>> make
>> note : This bug is fixed in version 0.3.2 dblatex
>> Regards,
>> Marc-André
>> for the future and beyond
>> --
>> Marc-André Baillifard
>> mbail...@baillifard.com
Sweet, Francis (and my thanks to Marc-André!). I'll try this tomorrow 
night. At a glance I don't see a problem (indeed, I already installed 
the latest asciidoc and dblatex on a test Ubuntu system for other 
reasons; I just never thought to check their SVG capability).

As I (among others) have said before, I believe SVG is the right format 
for vector graphics (the VG in SVG, after all!). I was not willing to 
state categorically that it had to be used in V2.5 because we already 
had other image formats that worked. I thought it more important to get 
the problems with LaTeXMath sorted first. Marc-André's work may be just 
what we need to start allowing for SVG files now rather than later.

Have you used Inkscape extensively? My personal experience with it in 
the past was less than satisfactory. Yes it uses SVG natively and yes it 
is open source but it seems best suited for general graphic arts work, 
not so much for technical line-art work. Maybe it was just me. Also, 
many format converters out there do a terrible job. Their developers 
clearly had no regard for the nuances of SVG. It isn't always easy to 
get from some other format into what I consider to be usable and 
editable SVG. (Been there, done that, most recently with my experiments 
to graph HAL configurations.) These issues aren't show stoppers but they 
do need to be recognized.

I want first to see just what asciidoc/dblatex/pdftex do now, and I'm 
sure we'll have to set up some guidelines for SVG usage, but these are 
just the usual details.


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