Of course, Naturally :-)

Le 03. 12. 11 20:35, Francis TISSERANT a écrit :
Please Marc-André,
add in your signature:

Member of French EMC2 Translators Team :)

2011/12/3 Baillifard marc-Andre<mbail...@baillifard.com>:

For experiment and more
The pngqn command line tool allows the optimization without loss of
files PNG
The gains are from 50 to 60 % of reduction of the dimension of files.
Very well for the optimization of screenshots

Sudo apt-get install pngnq

Usage example  file.png to file-nq8.png
Pngqn -vf -s1 image.png

Treatment in lot :
pngqn -vf -s1 *.png

The Web site: http: // pngnq.sourceforge.net/

Marc-André Baillifard

Marc-André Baillifard
Member of French EMC2 Translators Team

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
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