Gentle persons:

This message covers editorial issues I found reviewing the HTML files on concerning the (English) Integrator manual. In this email I shall call them parts. I have titled my comments on each part according to the link title in index.html and given the linked-to HTML file name in parentheses.

I read the parts on the morning of 2012/1/16.

Integrator Concepts (common/Integrator_Concepts.html)
Latency Test (install/Latency_Test.html)
Startup EMC2 (common/starting-emc.html)

No comments except the last link title might better be "Starting EMC2" (like the title header of the underlying part) or "EMC2 Start Up".

INI Configuration (config/ini_config.html)

As an overall comment, our style leads to a sea of colorized, italicized, variable width font denoting all the EMC2 parameters. I don't think there is anything to do at this time, especially given the length of this part, but the style probably should be revisited some time in the future.

In section 2.1. [EMC] Section the DEBUG=0 entry says See src/emc/nml_intf/emcglb.h for other settings."

I believe the debug flags have been moved to "src/emc/nml_inft/debugflags.h", but don't take my word for it.

In section 2.10.1. Homing the hyperlink in "...see the Homing Section." needs to be fixed.

I'm guessing it's supposed to say "...see the Homing Configuration Section" and point to "config/ini_homing.html".

Homing Configuration (config/ini_homing.html)
Lathe Configuration (config/lathe_config.html)
Core Components (config/emc2hal.html)
Stepper Configuration (config/stepper.html)

No comments.

Python Virtual Control Panel (hal/pyvcp.html)

What a great piece of documentation---looks good and reads well.

My only quibble is the external reference in section 6.2.3 Colors which reads "A complete list is located here";

Knowing how labors of love appear and disappear on the Internet I'd be more comfortable referencing a color table that I knew had some permanence, but this one will probably have to do for now.

PyVCP Examples (hal/pyvcp_examples.html)

No comments.

Glade Virtual Control Panel (gui/gladevcp.html)

As an overall comment, I don't have access to a working copy of EMC2 at the moment. I hope someone has checked that all the examples work out-of-the-box.

In section 1.1 PyVCP versus GladeVCP at a glance in the fifth bullet under the GladeVCP entry, does the word "LINKHERE" have meaning or was it an author's note-to-self?

HAL User Interface (gui/halui.html)

No comments.


That's all for now. I'll take up the driver entries tonight.


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