I added it to the Community page of linuxcnc.org


On 11/16/2013 3:32 PM, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> On 11/16/2013 3:20 PM, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
>>> IHMO, the major remaining issue is the visibility of the document.  I
>>> think having it in the documentation tree will help a lot, but there
>>> should also be prominent links sprinkled around the LinuxCNC website.
>> Good point, i'll see if it fits on the Wiki front page somewhere obvious.
> I was thinking more about the main "www.linuxcnc.org" site.  IMHO, your
> excellent new instructions should be linked in at least the following
> locations:
> * Front page (with all the other "how to ..." links)
> * Documentation page under Developer Information
> * Community page under Developers
> ...and probably some more I'm not thinking of.
> The locations above are the places I looked at first as a new user
> trying to figure out how to build and contribute to LinuxCNC.  Right or
> wrong, I didn't dive directly into the wiki, and I have a personal
> distaste for forums (preferring the mailing lists, which is also what's
> listed under "how to communicate with the developers", along with IRC).
>>> As for minor tweaks, I would suggest listing a few public git servers in
>>> the "share your changes" section, ie:
>>> * Push your branch to a publicly visible git repo (github,
>>>     bitbucket, etc.), or
>>> * Email ...
>> Good idea!  Send me a patch!  Oh never mind, it's a tiny change, i'll
>> just do it ;-)
> Thanks!  Sorry for not sending a patch...  ;)
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