Features I lack in thc component:

 1. height reset
    I am not using any sensors to check for real distance to material
    before cutting. I am trusting programmed coordinate instead. That's
    why I would like to reset THC height between cuts, probably while in
    I noticed that correction remains even after thc.enable pin is low.
    Maybe it is important to note: I am not using thc.z-fb-out pin.
    I am thinking about adding thc.reset pin to thc component and net it
    to digital-out-nn. Then, play with it in NGC program. But maybe
    someone could offer a better way?
 2. Correction limiting. I would like to limit thc correction (for
    safety and for plasma nozzle protection) to let's say [-5..+5] mm.
    And when it goes out of it - turn machine off.
 3. Internal arc-ok signal with time-out safety function. Now I am
    generating it with wcomp, without time-out yet.
 4. Starting near the edge. Like SidePierceMode or Side Entry Mode in
    this article:
 5. Stopping near the edge. Maybe just add digital-out-nn and control it
    from NGC. It would be nice for machine to make move without stopping.

By the way,  I have reported a related bug:

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