I visited fosdem.org/2014/ in Brussels last weekend. The following might be 
relevant for LinuxCNC:

- the LTTNG project (Linux Tracing Toolkit Next Generation, 
http://lttng.org/quickstart). This was a low-overhead mechanism for kernel 
tracing only, and recently has been extended to support userland tracing with 
hires timestamps AND correlated kernel system call traces. In combination this 
should be a great tool to isolate causes for RT delays; it is certainly usable 
for RT-PREEMPT and very likely usable for Xenomai userland threads *). Unused, 
there is practically no overhead, meaning tracing support could be left in 
production code and activated as needed. Liberal licensing. Since the tracing 
mechanism has needs very similar to RT/non-RT communications, the code is an 
interesting read (libringbuffer, userland read-copy-update support).

Worth exploring - I'll post the slides as soon as I get them from the speaker.

- the picoTCP embedded TCP stack: https://github.com/tass-belgium/picotcp - 
usable on non-Linux bare metal/FreeRTOS style platforms and has early-stage 
zeroMQ support. Downstream this could help adding intelligent remote HAL 
components which plug in like everything else - i.e. without resorting to 
inventing-your-own-wire-protocol-over-serial and that kind of legacy in the 
making. I managed to get these fellows to see the light on the upside of the 
zeroMQ/protobuf/nanopb base which we'll be using, and I guess there might be 
even examples forthcoming eventually in this tree. GPL2only. They say they have 
customer demand for zeroMQ support so it's likely to happen in usable form, and 
remain usable.

Whether bare metal ala AVRmega 128k platforms and above still make sense 
visavis a $35 full-blow-realtime Linux platform like the BBB remains to be 
debated, but it is good to know to have a downwards option which retains the 
end-to-end principle **). Personally I'd rather go with a BBB type platform and 
skip the pains of embedded programming and debugging, unless pointed at with a 
gun - and the economics dont work out either. But then these guys are 
addressing an 'Internet of Things' type market, which might be below what is 
economically justifiable in this context, at least for now.

- contacts - I got in touch with some folks driving, using and relying on 
Xenomai and its networking support, and got a better picture behind that 
project an who puts which resources into it (or not).

In terms of 'extending horse options beyond RTAI' it is safe to say we barely 
made it in time. There seems to be no discernible industrial followers of RTAI, 
other than RT-PREEMPT and Xenomai which have substantial life in them ***). 
However, both the RT-PREEMPT and Xenomai efforts face a tragedy-of-the-commons 
situation: used by many, but stretched on resources to get the effort mainline 
and self-sustaining. I have the feeling the proponents of both projects have an 
issue to address the relevant decision makers: in terms of the overall market 
size of RT Linux applications, we're talking change, like a low-digit number of 
million at best. Let me put it this way - it's good to have a horse to ride - 
any horse in fact. Just dont look at that butt;)

What I wasnt fully aware of: the current Xenomai 'cobalt/mercury' effort is 
about source compatibility for RT applications, with the RT kernel exchangeable 
underneath, like Xenomai or RT-PREEMPT. So rather similar to what we did. This 
doesnt say however the ub effort is superseded - cobalt aint there yet, it's 
just a further option downstream. It might make sense to clue up on whats 
happening there.

- a great punchline: "legacy as a service" ;)

I was at this (un)conference for the first time, and found it very inspiring. 
Lots of creativity and talent in a single spot (7000 attendees).

- Michael

*) I am unable to tell how that relates or interoperates with the Xenomai ipipe 
tracer; I rather guess not at all
**) http://web.mit.edu/Saltzer/www/publications/endtoend/endtoend.pdf - part of 
the Ten Commandments I follow
***) I hope nobody needs an MRT scan. However, if one does, and it's a Siemens 
device, that device runs Xenomai.

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