We are pleased to announce the formation of the Machinekit project [1][2][3].

Machinekit is an overhaul of the real-time and glue infrastructure which 
supports LinuxCNC. Machinekit is intended to be broadly applicable to real-time 
control applications.  Non-CNC systems such as general automation and robotics 
are potential target applications for Machinekit, as is more traditional CNC 
machine control.  Messaging API support to enable distributed operation across 
a broad range of platforms including tablets, traditional desktop machines, and 
embedded systems has progressed considerably and shows first results [4][5][6]. 

Machinekit will be based on the unified-binary code from the start. The intent 
is to adopt innovation at a rapid pace while remaining a stable baseline, 
enable wider adoption by simplifying usage and the contribution process, as 
well as providing the lowest cost realtime control application supporting 
ubiquitous UI hardware.

Active community involvement is a critical part of our vision for this peer 
project so we are adopting the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4) [7].  
Our desire is to make it easy for anyone to contribute to the project and to 
provide objective guidelines for the acceptance and merging of changes.  For an 
excellent discussion of the C4 contract rationale and building a community 
around an open source project, see Chapter 6 of the 0MQ guide [8].


The Machinekit team members:

Michael Haberler
John Morris
Charles Steinkuehler
Kent Reed
Alexander Rössler


[1] Machinekit website: http://www.machinekit.io
[2] Machinekit blog: http://blog.machinekit.io
[3] Github repository: https://github.com/machinekit/machinekit
[4] Status update: 
[5] Android app and Gladevcp both controlling HAL remotely: 
[6] BeagleBone controlling 3D printer: 
[7] Collective Code Construction Contract (C4): http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:22
[8] The ØMQ Community: http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:chapter6

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