I have been proceeding with a number of retrofits
I have come up with a couple of issues with a Brother T-217
Firstly the tool change process is handled entirely by moving the z axis
there are a number of cams at the top end of travel that grasp the tool,
release the drawbar etc.
Moving into this Z range during operation would be catastrophic, the tool
would impact the tool changer fingers destroying them.

I would like to limit travel into this region during normal program
execution but relax this during tool change operation. Similar
functionality is in place on many other controls for instance our Haas
SL-20 has configurable exclusion zones for the tailstock.

My thought for a hack would be to simple be able to change the values of
pins holding the min_x, max_x etc of the axis. I saw there where
ini.0.max_limit but this value doesnt seem to have any effect when changed
at runtime.

I was wondering what people would think about this? I would like to add
some functionality to linuxcnc since i use it so much and a feature with an
exclusion region would be possibly useful but I wouldnt want to add it if
it wasnt something that would get rolled into the main branch since I dont
really need that much functionality for this one application.

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