Fron long time I search for time to study better exchange signal from NML
to gui for make my own GUI on c++ QT5 or QML java .... I have some
instructions from Sebastian Kuminzky (very thanks) but at leas I have no
time to study and develop these things. Recentely I have some time and i
study file .... I saw that it would be simple enough (ie it would
not be a big job) to convert it to a qtharead and send signals to it to
make it work smoothly. Obviously you should "clean" all the graphics and
keep only sending and receiving signals to NML.

so a big question before to start ... there are some reason that i not see
because is not a good things to use xemc gui as start of these works?

Why these? simply I Have not time to study python ... and I use Lcnc to run
different type of machine so interface is every time different .... QT5 in
these is a very big help.

in my linuxcnc-dev folder not found : emcglb.hh, emccfg.hh, nml_io.hh only
.... These is change in to other library or it is disappear at all? If not
use X11/../...h library because use signal/slot of QT gui, emcglb.hh,
emccfg.hh, nml_io.hh are they still necessary?

I see now: emccfg.hh/emcglb.hh is a global library (so can change it to an
other if necessary), nml_io.hh define messages structures ....these file is
changed into wath? someone can help me?


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