
thank you for your attention.

> > I wanted to check other non motion commands and wrote a little gcode file,
> > which I put in the tests/motion-logger/basics directory.
> You want to log motion then g-code program is run?

When I discovered motion-logger, I had a misunderstanding and thought, that I 
could use it together with linuxcnc and log what happens (i.e. watching 
gremlin). That is not true.

Instead motion-logger seems to be usable for testcases only.

So I wanted to add a testcase to the already working testcases.
In directory "linuxcnc-dev/tests/motion-logger/basic/" there are simple 
testcases (g0 and g1) and so I wanted to add my testcase (offset.ngc), which I 
attached to my last mail.

Testcases g0 and g1 run quite fast, but with my testcase linuxcnc hangs and I 
would like to know why.

As I'm not familiar with linuxcnc gcode-variant I therefor tried to run my 
testcase without motion-logger using standard-linuxcnc with axis ui.
There I could verify, that gremlin shows exactly what I expected and axis runs 
the file without error feedback.

Now I don't have any idea, why my testcase hangs using motion-logger test-

Is the error part of my testcase file, or is my understanding/expectations 

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